The very word itself is inspiring; it conjures up in my mind a world of infinite wonders that I can only marvel at.  Wonders that my head remind me that nature does not revolve around me, but around a vast universe of possibility.  For whether I acknowledge it or not, Mother Nature and all her diverse energies will continue to exist long after I have evaporated into the sand of earthly time.  She will continue to vibrate at her own frequency ever evolving and enhancing her beauty until she metamorphosis into the star she is meant to be.

The poems and writings on this site and within my books are purposely simple and are meant as building blocks to deeper thoughts (yours not mine).  They are reminders of things that in time have been overlooked or forgotten.

Please accept these little ramblings as signposts to the world you might have left behind in the innocence of yesterday

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Companion Of Light & Cosmic Babysitters 22.05.2024.

Companion of Light Whenever you’re in darkness Then I will bring you light For I am right beside you Although I’m out of sight I’ll be the very essence Of all things that are new As I guide you ever forward Towards a world so true I never will forsake you In times...

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I Am You & I Don’t Know 15.05.2024.

I Am You We are together “he said” As I breathe, you breathe As I sing, you sing As I weep, you weep For you are me and I am you We grow from the same thought Ever parting and ever drawing closer together I see you as love, you see me as love For love is all there is...

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Bluebells Nod As I Pass By & Body Change 08.05.2024.

  Bluebells Nod As I Pass By Hoping that, they’ll catch my eye For spring is here without surprise As sleepy shrubs they come alive Birds at dawn so sweetly sing And bring a newness to all things Old Jack Frost has given way In time for springs seedling display...

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  1. Tangles

    I always find your poems so refreshing and indeed relaxing. When life becomes a whirl and gets too fast to cope with I just ‘fix’ myself by reading what you bring forward. Indeed a great tonic for me. Thank you Phil x

  2. Ann Morgan

    Thank you Phil for bringing memories forward and knowledge that everything and everyone is just a thought away !

    • Tracy Bleasdale

      Hi Phil,

      loving your work!

      • Phil Todd

        Hi Tracy Sorry I didn’t reply sooner. I hope you and your lovely family are well. I only go into my website on a Wednesday as a rule to update it. The website has a good following and it’s nice that you enjoy my simple poems. x


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I have a firm belief in angels and feel them around me all of the time, especially when I need an extra bit of help in making decisions

Also, as I get older, I have a much better appreciation of the beauty of Mother Nature and enjoy nothing more than to sit in my garden and let her overwhelm me with her many gifts

The poems and writings on this website are reflections of my thoughts on various subjects, as they wander through my mind