
Gathered in the garden
But comes as no surprise
Clumps of little toadstools
Spread before my eyes
Filling in the spaces
Where all the grass should be
Offering some shelter
For things we seldom see
Those tiny little creatures
That mostly pass us by
While eking out a living
In a world so vast and wide
Dodging around each raindrop
And foraging the ground
They go about their business
And we don’t hear a sound
So best I leave those toadstools
And let them have their day
As they provide a shelter
For creatures on their way


Sometimes they go unnoticed
Sometimes we do not see
Those tiny gifts of kindness
That God he gives to thee
No debt is ever mentioned
No price is there to pay
Throughout our every lifetime
It’s always been that way
His love it is eternal
And does not come with strings
For in us he sees beauty
And all the nicest things
So how can we repay him
Well all that I can say
Is to offer up a thank you
At the end of everyday
For all the things around us
No matter what they be
Are sent to give us pleasure
Throughout each Life we Breathe

Thought To Ponder – “Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.” – Coco Chanel

Music on You Tube – Rodney Crowell – Loving You Is The Only Way To Fly