I’m here in tomorrow but now it’s today

The things that I wished for are in yesterday

But what of the future or even the past

For a moments just a moment and really can’t last

For time is a mirage an oasis of dreams

And though we can’t stop it it’s not what it seems

Linear or curved I really don’t know

But if I watch it carefully I can follow it’s show

Though it has no beginning or even an end

I slipped in at one point and then out again

My features kept changing like an unfolding blend

Of a past and a future in a time without end.

Here are some thoughts that just drifted through my head in January2018

Idle Thoughts 3

When a door in life closes to you

It can be very dark in the corridor

While waiting for another door to open…

Do summers go more quickly when you are older

And does the winter seem longer

Or am I just missing the beauty of that season…

The opposite of love is not hate

The opposite of love is no love…

If I could bring back anyone I have loved in this life would I?

The answer is no for everybody is of their time

I will just have to make do with their memory…

If I could travel anywhere in the world, where would I travel?

Along the full length of the silk Road

Absorbing all the different cultures along the way…

As you get older you think you have seen it all

But you forget every sunrise and sunset and all that happens in between is unique to that day

For no two days are ever the same…

When you fall in love you always lose your heart

But when you get it back you are always richer for the experience

Although you might not always think it at the time…

The beauty of darkness is it helps you find the light more easily…

Make allowances for other peoples stupidity

Then you will be able to accept your own…

Thought to Ponder – “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha

Music on You Tube – Oliver – Good Morning Starshine