A Cuban Sunset

A can never tell just what a poem means to other people so I just write them down as they pop into my head and let them decide for themselves…


They spoke of temptation without counting the cost

For each indiscretion is an innocence lost

They thought they could hide it but not from themselves

And the world does not care just who goes to hell

For what is sent out will surely return

And weaken the bridge that they slowly burn

They best think quite carefully before they proceed

Are all these temptations what they really need

Or just a passing phase…

Innocent fascination

I’ve such a fascination
With clouds that skate on by
For they carry all the teardrops
From each person as they cry
They sail them off to heaven
Where souls are in repair
While tugging at the heartstrings
Of everyone who cared
For they move just like the seasons
Dancing around the sun
While waiting for that moment
Of new life to be become
A gift of life so special
It will not see the clouds
As they rain upon their journey
To give life to the flowers

Idle Thoughts 8

Most people chase a reality that does not exist

In the misguided pursuit of Utopia…

Arrogance is at home with a fool

And I have been a fool

Too many times in my life…

It does not matter which side of the blanket you dance

as long as you dance and don’t sit life out…

Imagination is the tapestry of the mind

and we all should find time to let it flow…

Music on You Tube – Dream- Roy Orbison