Sleepless moments as your thoughts unwind

Imagined worries so easy to find

The night so dark you need the light

To make some sense of what’s wrong or right

No counting sheep will ease your pain

To a gentle sleep that you want to gain

For a busy mind it knows no bounds

Although to the world it makes not a sound

So you toss and turn until you are fully spent

Then as if by chance your thoughts relent

As off to sleep you  drift……..


The leaves they are falling and so are my tears

Weeping for the summer that’s no longer here

All the days are now shorter and embracing the dark

No music from songbirds not even the lark

Geese in formation now wish me adieu

As they journey across the skyline and out of my view

Some plants are like hero’s and try to stand tall

As the wind from the east causes them to recoil

The moon as if milky moves across the night sky

Beckoning clouds as they hurry by

My tears drop so gently and cast not a sound

But it doesn’t really matter for no ones around

To see the Autumn dance