This time of year when the snow and rain falls and the air is chilled with a fierce bite I cannot but feel sorry those people  who are homeless at this time.

Too often have I walked passed them without a word. I forget that sometimes a smile and a moment of my time can make someone feel that they are not invisible..

Homeless Souls

The bustle of the evening
Seems to pass them by
Whilst sitting on the pavement
They hardly catch your eye
Just now and then they mutter
But we don’t really hear
The things that they are saying
Because it is not clear
We only know for certain
We are busy with our day
No time to stop and wonder
Just why they are that way
Perhaps they had misfortune
That cast them on that kerb
With a blanket wrapped around them
And a depth beyond compare.

Oh To Be A Buddhist

how do I square a circle
how do I make things right
I’ve stole a million lifetimes
and to nature I’m a blight
I’ll give you one example
but of course there’s many more
so I’ll take the case for chickens
and how it was before
they lived for days in thousands
until I got the taste
then I bred them very quickly
for I had no time to waste
and now from egg to basket
it’s down to 42 (days)
and now that I’ve explained this
did you really have a clue.

Average lifespan of a chicken is 5 to 10 years – the average lifespan of a factory farm chicken is 42 days.

Thought to Ponder – Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France.

Music on You Tube – Cradle with love – Samite