Here are several poems on random topics to cover the next week or so as my next blog will be after the 21st of September.

First Love Reunion

You passed me on the pavement
Without a second glance
With no reason to acknowledge
That once we had a chance
No thought of what was missing
That now had gone astray
A first love to remember
But not it seems today
It was the strangest feeling
To think you could not see
The way I could remember
And it did not trouble me
Perhaps within our parting
You lost your lovely smile
Though I hope you’ve found another
To care for you with style
We simply had our moment
A dalliance of love
When we briefly were together
As we bathed in our first love.

Autumns Awakening

As autumn whispers through the sky
The trees with weeping leaves do cry
Longing for that summer sun
That brought a joy to everyone
Now alas the year in haste
Has no more time in which to waste
For creatures now both large and small
Will heed the song of natures call
Some to sleep and dream away
While others gather without delay
The last of flowers in display
Will coax the insects all their way
Then in the shortness of each breath
As evening chills begin their test
I’ll close my door to winter.

The Power Of The Sea

The wind swept towards us
As it coaxed against the tide
The waves they seemed relentless
With not an ebb in sight
So we battened down are hatches
And turned towards the shore
Carried by a current
That showed its power once more
Our bow it lifted gently
As it rode upon the surf
Which thrush us without glory
On its crest of breaking spurt
We danced upon this motion
As the clouds began to sigh
Then the seagulls up above us
Gave out a lilting cry
A perfect wave in structure
Cast us on the land
Then we fasten down our mooring
In respect of the oceans hand.

Peaceful Chatter

We go in search of silence
When we try to calm our minds
While praying for that moment
When all things fall in line
The busy noise of people
Just grates upon our nerves
As we look for those special seconds
And the peace that we deserve
Though we are slaves to progress
As it torments without end
We try to bring some quiet
Into this cosmic blend
For silence it is golden
Or so we have been told
As we wrestle with the future
Along our highway home.

Our Inner Mind.

Let him speak for who can say
Just what gems will come your way
For he will talk straight from his heart
Without the need to stop and start
For innocents it needs no thanks
As from his lips it will dance
He will say just what he sees
And not embellish someone else’s needs
For we forget about that time
When you just said what was on our mind
For now we live most times with fear
On how to phrase our thoughts most clear
In case they cause offense

Thoughts to Ponder.

A history book is notoriously unreliable because it always contains the bias of the historian who wrote it.

I wonder when we die can we see things as other energies do.

No one has all the answers to everything,
Because they don’t know all the questions.

If nature is left to its own resources the world would be in perfect balance.
Unfortunately mankind is the chaos factor forever doing things without any concern for the consequences.

I wonder what the difference is between an amble and a wander.

When does a story become a tale.

Most people chase a reality that does not exist
In the misguided pursuit of Utopia.

Arrogance is at home with a fool
And I have been a fool
Too many times in my life.

Now time for a You Tube Video and Music I think ….

1. Space Meditation Video – Colonies – Spiritual Music

2.Soothing Relaxing Music Whispering Sea (Sea) & Sunset Kauai
