The Buddha sat beneath the tree of life

And pondered what was wrong or right

Then as he weighed the pros and cons

It didn’t seem to take him long

To say there is merit within each thought

Because it’s just the way we are taught

But in his mind he really wished

We all could live in peace

For though we may not all agree

With all the things that’s said or seen

We each alone are just unique

So when we talk he hopes we see

The others point of view

For voices come in many ways

And sometimes in life they can betray

The weakness in our brains

Longing for Here

I live my life in longing

that nothing but joy comes my way

For to think anything different

would just be a fool in dismay

The world it turns on an axis

while moving the day into night

Spreading the gift of her beauty

as each of her tunes comes to light

Her flowers and trees make a statement

to show the realms of her wares

As her waters in full constant movement

wash away all of my cares

Right out in space she is graceful

and shines just like a star

As I ever more have a longing

that things stay the way that they are

Thought To Ponder – Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished – Laozi

Music on You Tube – Silly Love Songs -Wings