The Final Incarnation P.O.M. March

I will not visit here again I’ve surely done my time Each form that I have taken Has been of fates design But now I seek some solace A chance to take a break To go again to heaven Besides that golden lake To feel the joy of nothing Except its warming rays And measure...

The Night Ride To Sunrise & The Now

Dawn in Bali The Night Ride To Sunrise The night ride to sunrise It happens in the dark When sleep gives way to sunlight And we wake just like the lark To face another journey Into the coming day When who knows what adventures Life will send our way But what is really...

The Patterns On The Skyline & Snowdrops 22.02.2023.

The Patterns On The Skyline The patterns on the skyline Say that snow is on its way As chilly breezes gather To sketch upon my day I pull my scarf much tighter As I snuggle to its charms As winter in her passion Collects me in her arms She nibbles at my fingers So I...

The Smiling Man & The Sound Of Raindrops 16.02.2023.

The Smiling Man The joy of it all just made him smile As he sat on that wall for quite a long while He saw mothers with babies held in their arms And fathers right by them in a relative calm An old deck chair seller snored under a tree While people sat down on his...

The Postbox & The Silent Forest 09.02.2023.

The Postbox It’s just another postbox Upon an empty street A place we used to gather A chance for us to meet We’d talk about the weather And what its going to do While asking after loved ones To see if gossips true Right now it’s like a nonsense The things we...