Just one Kiss Oct POM

As you lie beneath a night sky a chandelier of stars You may just look upon them and wonder who you are Or is your every moment just like a waking dream A tapestry of visions that’s played out to a theme Or are you just a tiny speck that only sees itself As an...

Just For Me & Journey Home 17.09.2021.

Just for me You gave to me a promise Words that meant so much You said that you’d protect me Like a hand that wears a glove And no matter where I’d wander You’d be there by my side Forever my companion My ever present guide Though sometimes I’ve felt weary You’ve...

Prayer to a Flower & Quantum Variable 10.09.2021.

If I could just capture This flower in a tear And put it in a glass jar To keep it so near It’s beauty I’d bathe in When things don’t go right Then I will remember It brought by the light The light that is given From heaven above That’s always a token Of Gods one true...