Life’s Stepping Stones POM March 21

Life is like a river With stones to cross its path But just which ones to step upon Can be a mammoth task For some can be quite slippy And some won’t hold your weight But when you’ve stepped upon them By then it’s far too late But this crossing is essential For you...

Time without end & Idle Thoughts 3. 19.02.21.

I’m here in tomorrow but now it’s today The things that I wished for are in yesterday But what of the future or even the past For a moments just a moment and really can’t last For time is a mirage an oasis of dreams And though we can’t stop it...

The Brightest Star & Eye of a Moment 12.02.21.

I think I’ve found the brightest star It is not near it is not far It’s there before my very eyes For that is where its beauty lies For no one else in time can see The brightest star I know as me For I was born to be unique And bring to life my joys so deep As here...