The Climbing Mouse & Stolen Moments 06.11.2020.

  I have updated the Poem of the Month for November. Here is a whimsical tale about a mouse and a tree. The Climbing Mouse Where are going said the mouse to the tree TREE – I’m going nowhere as you  plainly can see MOUSE – But when I look up your...

The Theatre of Life POM Nov 20.

You know it never closes the theatre of life It’s artists are eternal and act their parts just right Each moment in the making produces such a prize And if you are not careful you’ll miss them with your eyes Each scene is ever changing and all things play...

Galloping Time 23.10.2020.

It is funny how some people leave a signature of themselves on other peoples minds, while others they can barely remember. Which will you be??? Galloping Time Their faces seemed so lightweight but their smiles were full and true And nothing in their features revealed...

Kefalonian Clouds 16.10.20.

I was hoping to have my computer back by now but it is still in for repair so no picture to accompany this poem.   That silent drifting that obscures the sun Those cloudy moments that invade each one That etching mist in dewy calm With scarce a thing to cause...

The Ego’s Dance 09.10.20.

Well I am back from an autumn break in Skala Kefalonia and what change in the weather to come home to. Still there is no place like home. The Ego’s Dance………. When you look into a mirror you’ll see your ego dance Performing like an actor...