“I Don’t know”04.01.19

Sometimes what seems easy Is really quite hard Like to smile under pressure As in life you are scarred But a smile is a lay by When things don’t go right A respite of hope While you search for the light It calms all your feelings It slows down your day And no one can...

Life’s Blessings 15.01.19

I was counting my blessings But I can’t count that high For each single moment A million pass by They don’t wear any labels So sometimes I don’t see The value of things that life brings to me Now lets just take friendships, current and past A union of thoughts that go...

Narcissus POM Feb

I am the most beautiful You have ever seen For I am like a vision. You once met in a dream A dance of pure perfection A light that shines and glows For nothing in my makeup Would tread upon your toes I could be in a painting To hang upon your wall Where people could...

Everest 01.01.19.

When stairs become an Everest I’ll know I’ve had my time And I’ll think of all the memories That I have left behind I’ll think about my heydays When sport was just some fun And digging around my garden Was all about the sun I’ll remember all the romance That love and...

Meant To Be 16.01.19

Life takes you by surprise Especially when you dream It puts a check on fancies And holds up all your schemes You think you have things covered Only then to find Fate has placed a spanner In all your grand designs You would think you’d have learnt that lesson To never...